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Tuesday, 23 November 2010

In which I shamelessly promote my own blog by posting my friends blog because he promoted mine

This is a terrific blog post by Kenneth Lipp who mentions my own gorgeous blog (this one) and my gorgeous friend Mr Barrett Brown (remember that name) and his gorgeous ProjectPM. It's all gorgeous. Like a cheese stick.

Kenneth gives an example of how scientists can unwittingly make way for the promotion of bigotry


Kenneth Lipp said...

Scientists can be rather blockheaded. I read this article earlier, but it looks better here. Beats all.
I think scientists are responsible, at least ought to be, for the research conclusions they propogate. I certainly don't want anyone using my data to promote hate.
Thank you for the post, you neural sheath, you.

Emma said...

You're very welcome Herr Lipp. Plinky Plonk.

Kenneth Lipp said...

I concur.

Emma said...

why are we not asleep?

Kenneth Lipp said...

I have science on the brain.
I'm also excited about my very good friend's extreme kindness.

Unknown said...

Flicki/Thundie/Klippy??: I apologize for the no-warning dismissal. I was getting increasingly upset and uncomfortable with what I was reading/hearing through the FB dysfunctional vine. I think you know what I'm speaking of. I wish you the very best. I loved sparring with you both. I'll miss it!. SP